Illness causes weak "love story"

It is undeniable that the increasing number of illnesses and their effects have increased the level of sexual disorders (RTIs), a fairly common problem in society today, it is very annoying. late for the sick person and their "partner".
Cardiovascular diseases
Heart disease
There is a funny story: "A wife with heart disease, was told by the doctor to avoid vigorous exercise and avoid being close to her husband, otherwise her heart disease could kill her at any time. husband reluctantly set out the rule that the wife is upstairs and the husband is downstairs to avoid "temptation." This worked for weeks and nights, meeting in the middle of the stairs, the wife went from above. down, and the husband came up from the floor. The wife trembled softly and said: "Bro, I'm going to go ... ... by myself" "And I'm planning to ... kill you" the husband hurriedly answered.
The story above shows that "love" has been a part of life and many people are interested in this problem, but are afraid to ask leading to many thoughts that people suffering from cardiovascular disease in general are not allowed. " to love". Understanding the relationship between "love" and cardiovascular disease will help us have a proper view on this issue as well as have reasonable solutions.
Sexual activity is an exertion, so depending on the severity of cardiovascular disease you can tolerate different levels of exertion. People with heart failure level I - II are "in love" in moderation to be more beneficial than harm, heart failure level III should be limited and level IV heart failure should abstain; Myocardial infarction after 6 weeks can start to have sexual activity (sex activity), after 2-4 weeks for people who have had heart surgery. Of course when health allows.
Many people believe that having sex will increase the risk of heart attack or sudden death. In fact, this rate is very low, only 1% of people having a heart attack when having sex. Heart failure reduces the perfusion of organs in the body, including the genitals, due to reduced cardiac output. This is the cause of sexual dysfunction in these patients.
Drugs for the treatment of heart failure are also factors in erectile dysfunction (ED) in such patients as diuretics in combination with sympathetic beta blockers; Spironolactine in combination with digoxin reduces or inhibits the activity of plasma testosteron, also reduces libido and causes ED. In general, the more severe cardiovascular diseases are, the higher the risk of developing RLC, which is also proportional to the height of blood pressure and the number of damaged or diseased blood vessels.

Hypertension (hypertension)
Hypertension phase I and II (according to the scale of JNC VII), it is not necessary to abstain from sex, if of course, you should not have this activity when tired. Stage III hypertension with heart failure, combined with angina should be abstained. The importance of maintaining the quality of sex life of people with hypertension is increasingly concerned, the side effects of hypertension drugs that are used for long term affect sexual function. Sexually transmitted infections such as ED, decreased libido, etc. are one of the factors that threaten patients' compliance and lead to ineffective blood pressure control.
Atherosclerosis (XVDM)
Arterial disease can cause ED because it interferes with the flow of blood to the penis, the main cause of anaphylaxis. Atheroma reduces or blocks blood vessel circulation, resulting in poor blood supply which causes relative anemia and affects the oxidation of the corpus cavernosum. The risk of developing SCD including hypercholesterolemia, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, etc. damage to the pelvic arteries secondary to trauma after pelvic fractures or perineal trauma can also cause RLC.
Metabolic disorders (RLCH)
Understanding the relationship between JAV Beautiful Tits and cardiovascular disease will help us have a proper view on this issue as well as have reasonable solutions.
People who are overweight, obese and RLCH often have increased bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduced good cholesterol (HDL), increased blood glucose, increased blood pressure and diabetes, affecting cardiovascular health as well as sexual health. sex. When being overweight, you will become slower, heavier physically, plus the sick or have inferiority complexes, self-esteem about your personal image.
A survey of the National Institute of the Republic of France on the effects of obesity on sex activity showed that 30% of obese women had difficulty finding a partner in 12 months, 70% of obese men. It is difficult to have more than one sexual partner at a time and half of them suffer from ED. Studies suggest that sexually transmitted disease is not related to a woman's weight index. And obese men, especially abdominal obesity, have a large increase in estrogen levels, which inhibits the production of testosterone, which reduces libido. About 20% of obese men still have sexual desire (HMTD) but obesity from level III or higher, almost completely loss of sex, no or little desire often leads to ED.
In contrast, in women, abdominal fat mass increases testosterone secretion and causes HMTD, but these women are of childbearing age, too much testosterone will cause hormonal imbalance leading to irregular menstruation. lice are amenorrhea, ovulation and infertility.
Diabetes (diabetes)
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of ED. About 50% of men with diabetes suffer from ED, in most cases of RLC appears in the course of disease but a small percentage shows before they get sick, some people who have been diagnosed with RLC have discovered themselves. with diabetes. The cause of diabetes causing RLC is that when high and prolonged blood sugar will damage endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, these cells will gradually become hardened, thus responding to nitric oxide ( stimulants that produce cGMP relaxes smooth muscles of the penis and makes the penis erect) reduces cGMP, causing blood to hang to the penis not enough, the penis cannot stretch enough blood and does not erect normally There was no difference in the incidence of ED with those treated with insulin and those on insulin. This suggests that ED is related to blood sugar control levels.
Mental illnesses
Patients with mental illness also have a high incidence of ED, HMTD and erectile dysfunction is relatively but sometimes difficult to distinguish due to disease effects or drug side effects. Reducing HMTD is a symptom of depression and accounts for 74% of cases. Long-term repressed psychological stress or internal emotions disrupt the sympathetic nervous system causing increased secretions of hormones such as cortisol, catecholamine, which constrict blood vessels, impeding blood flow to the cavernous body. resulting in insufficient blood flow to create and maintain an erection of the penis. In particular, an increase in plasma prolactin levels will reduce HMTD.
In addition, other chronic diseases such as renal failure, chronic arthritis, hyperthyroidism ... also cause ED. Drinking too much alcohol reduces testosterone and long-term increase in plasma estrogen will affect peripheral nerve function causing RLC. The nicotine present in cigarettes can cause vasoconstriction and accelerate the atherosclerosis process which narrows the vessels, reducing blood flow to the genitals and causing ED.
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